The Stephen Ministry seeks to fulfill its mission "Building Healthy People" by providing confidential counseling to those in need. St. Paul’s Stephen Ministers are Christian men and women who are members of St. Paul’s and are trained to provide one-to-one care to people experiencing a difficult time in life such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, a change in life circumstances, relocation, or separation due to military deployment.
Stephen Ministers are committed to meet with their care receiver one hour per week. The day, time, and location of these meetings are scheduled between the particular Stephen Minister and the Care Receiver. All sharing by the Care Receiver with his or her Stephen Minister is confidential.
Becoming a Stephen Minister requires completing an application, usually in the fall, and being interviewed to discover the gifts of the person seeking to become a Stephen Minister. Those wishing to become Stephen Ministers must consent to actively attend the 50 hours of training required. Those interested may indicate their interest by contacting the Pastor, a Stephen Leader, or a Stephen Minister.
If someone you know could use the services of a Stephen Minister, please talk to that person about Stephen Ministry and ask them if they would like to consider having a Stephen Minister for a period of time. If that person indicates an interest, please contact the Pastor. If you feel you would like the services of a Stephen Minister you may aslo contact the Pastor, a Stephen Leader, or a Stephen Minister. The Referral Coordinator will meet with you and explain the program and services. Assigning a Stephen Minister to a Care Receiver is done by the Pastor and Referrals Coordinators. Assignments are only made after a consent form has been signed.
The Stephen Ministers of St. Paul's are also pleased to hold the annual Blue Christmas Service. This special church service is designed to minister to those who don't feel joyous, those who are sad, those who are lonely, those who are depressed, those who are grieving, those who are worried--all who are hurting in some way. This service honors your feelings, claims God's comfort during dark times and claims the comfort God offers through His healing love for you. Fellowship, refreshments, and the opportunity to speak privately with a Stephen Minister will follow.
Contact the Pastor, a Stephen Leader or Stephen Minister if you have additional questions regarding this program.
For more information about the organization visit http://www.stephenministries.org/
When: 1st Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. (Peer Supervision) and 3rd Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. (Peer Supervision and Continuing Education)