The Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) is an organization that seeks to assist each woman of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world.
The LWML at St. Paul's encourages new and current members to become involved in LWML and use their gifts to serve the Lord with gladness. All women who are communicant members of the church are also voting members of LWML. All are encouraged to attend LWML events and gatherings and to join a Circle or committee. LWML meetings are scheduled every quarter: March, June, September, and December. Each typically consists of a business meeting, a guest speaker or other entertainment, and fellowship over treats.
LWML members also collect mites in their Mite Boxes. Mites are freely given offerings that are used to reach out to others with the Good News of Jesus Christ. These offerings fund various Mission Grants chosen at the National and District Conventions. Click here for St. Paul's LWML society by-laws.
Circles and Committees
Esther Circle meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Their focus is Bible study, fellowship, refreshments, and service projects. Some projects they have done include making Chrismons to decorate the church during Advent as well as upkeep of the children's activity bags and the ribbons in the hymnals. Esther Circle members coordinate St. Paul's Caring Showers for new moms and new brides in our church family. Their goal is to add to their membership by involving those not currently involved with LWML.
Lydia Circle meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 9:00 a.m. On the first Wednesday, a member leads the Bible study either from the LWML Quarterly magazine or the LWML website. The meeting on the third Wednesday is a workday during which the women work on projects such as sewing quilt tops, or tying quilt tops sewn at home to batting and backing, and completing the quilts. Quilts are donated to Orphan Grain Train, the VA Hospital in Iowa City, or various other community groups. Members also knit or crochet prayer shawls and pocket prayer shawls which are distributed to hospitals or given to church members, family of members, or to others who have a need. Other mission projects are worked on as needed. Work done by the hands and hearts of these women is greatly appreciated.
Miriam Circle meets on the third Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m. for Pastor-led Bible study, fellowship, and refreshments. One project is to make personal contact each month with shut-in members of the congregation. This is done either by making a home visit, a telephone call, or sending a card. Another project is to send a birthday card to church members who are 75 years and older.
Altar Guild takes care of the church's altar and its appointments. Members coordinate delivery of the altar flowers following the services according to the wishes of the donor. They do not meet monthly but instead on an as-needed basis.
Tabitha Committee chairperson coordinates food donations for funeral luncheons. Members help to set up the Fellowship Hall, serve the luncheon, and help with returning the room to its normal arrangement after the luncheon.
Banner Ministry Committee cares for, constructs, and hangs church banners. These banners provide a visual message in conjunction with the spoken word. Their symbolism enhances worship, providing additional understanding and meaning for the church seasons and special occasions throughout the church year. The Banner Ministry meets monthly and as needed. Anyone interested in planning, designing, constructing, and caring for the banners is welcome to join.
Paulette's is a group for mothers that meets monthly for fellowship and time for kiddos to play.