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Are you a current member or regular attendee of St. Paul's and looking to be more involved? Opportunities abound! There is, of course, worship and study hour on Sunday morning, but be sure to check out the various on-going ministries and fellowship possibilities.

What's new? Lots! Discover the latest news page or check out the calendar.

We also have information on the latest opportunities to serve and share.

Looking for something in particular and we don't have it? Contact us to discuss what you'd like to see on the website in the future.

Fellowship and Volunteer Opportunities

  • 100th Anniversary Celebration

    St. Paul's Lutheran Church is 100 years old this year! We have so much to celebrate! The theme is Honoring our Past, Embracing our Future.


    Our next celebration is July 21--former Pastor Greg Williamson will deliver the Sunday message. As with our June celebration, members are invited to wear their anniversary t-shirts. We will again sing our anniversary hymn at this service. A special door offering will be taken for our Anniversary Mission Project, “Tin Roofs for African Churches.”