St. Paul's group ministry is thriving! We have many dedicated members who regularly participate in discussion, activities, and ministry with one another. This helps us stay connected in Christ and with one another--because ministry does not only happen on Sundays.
The groups at St. Paul's vary in mission, including games, fellowship, service projects, and more. Interested in joining a small group? More details below.
Lydia Circle meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 9:30am. This group focuses on sewing and quilting projects, Bible study, and positive fellowship with encouraging sisters in Christ .
Miriam Circle meets on the third Thursday of the month at 1:00 pm. This group makes personal contact with shut-in members each month and also sends birthday cards to members who are 75 years and older.
Esther Circle meets on the second Monday of the month at 6:30 pm. Bible study, taking care of the children's activity bags, and coordinating the Caring Showers for new mothers and new brides of the St. Paul's family are its focus.
Senior Men: Senior Men group meets on the third Thursday of each month from 8-9:30 am. Men over age 55 are encouraged to join in the fellowship. Group members take turns bringing treats (donuts, coffeecake,breakfast-type food) and juice to share. Discussion of community and world events takes place while sharing the treats and a Bible study led by Pastor follows. A free will offering allows us to contribute to various charities at the end of the year.
Monday Morning Bible Study: meets for breakfast and Bible Study at 9:00 at Perkins by Lindale Mall.
Friday Morning Bible Study: meets at 7:30 for breakfast and Bible Study at the Marion Country Kitchen Cafe.
Fellowship/Social Groups
Bunco is a time for fun, fellowship and, of course, treats. We meet the 1st & 3rd Mondays of every month at 9:30 am in the fellowship hall. It's a great way to get to know your church family and share a laugh. There is a 50 cent cost to cover coffee and supplies. Come join us.
55 and Growing: This group--for those aged 55 and over--meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 10:30 am (March through October). We enjoy treats and a program presented by various individuals or groups. We invite you to join us for food, fun and fellowship.
Ministry Groups/Service Groups
Stephen Ministry: Follow this link for more information
Adult Choir: The Adult Choir is a valued part of St. Paul’s music ministry. The choir sings at both services most every Sunday. We do have a summer break. The choir sings all different types/kinds of music, usually in four part harmony. We also assist the congregation with learning new liturgies and hymns. There is always time for fun. We would like for YOU to join our ‘family’. We rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 in the church balcony. Please contact Fanchon Crane if you have any questions!
Chime Choir: The adult Chime Choir's objective is to add another element to the worship services at St. Paul's. You may find yourself humming along to familiar melodies or contemplating on scripture as we play. We rehearse on Thursday evenings at 6:30.
Altar Guild takes care of the church's altar and its appointments. They deliver altar flowers used on Sundays, if asked, to shut-ins or hospital patients. They do not meet monthly, but instead on an as-needed basis.
Prayer Group: Follow this link to information about our Prayer Ministry.